Foto de Jose Raul Rodriguez Cuevas Cuba

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- Graduated in Fine Art & Illustrator. Visual arts-1976.

University graduate in Moscow in 1982.

Oil Paintings on canvas, Screen, Sculpture, Engraving, Portrait painter, muralist, Art Therapy with the use of the arts.

National Plastics Expo and International from 1978 to the present.

National Register Creator has in Cuba-RNC-6162


- Graduado en Artes plasticas-1976.

Universitario, graduado en Moscu en 1982.


Exposiciones realizadas

  • 2017, Salon Conrado Massager 2000-2017
  • 2017, Salon Nacional de pintura del Centro Reflexion y dialogo-Cardenas 2016
  • 2017, Salon Nacional de Paisaje Romanach-Varadero 2007-2017
  • 2017, Salon de arte Conceptual Ohio-Cincinaty EUA 2015
  • 2016, 2016, Iglesia Prebisteriana \\\"El fuerte\\\"-Cardenas-Matanzas Cuba
  • 2016, Museo \"Oscar Maria de Rojas\"- Cuba
  • 2016, Expo plasticas transitorias en Hialeah-Miami-Florida-EUA
  • 2016, Salon Nacional de paisaje-Varadero-Matanzas-Cuba
  • 2016, Expo plastica \"Cuba Nostalgia\"-Miami EUA
  • 2015, Concurso de minicuadros en Huestes Espana
  • 2015, Evento Arte Fantastico Cheshea-New York
  • 2015, 3er Salon Nacional de Pintura-Centro de reflexion y dialogo-Cardenas-Matanzas-Cuba
  • 2014, Galeria de arte contemporaneo Miami EUA- 2014
  • 1998, Arte y armonias-Expo plastica-Cuba en Barcelona -Espana
  • 1997, Cuba expone en Peru-Artistas contemporaneos-UNEAC
  • 1996, Figuraciones y suenos-Galeria Varadero- Matanzas-Cuba
  • 1995, Plumilas y arte sobre cartulinas-Galeria Melia Varadero-Cuba
  • 1994, Dibujos sobre lienzos y su espiritualidad-Galeria de arte Melia Varadero-Matanzas-Cuba
  • 1991, Aristas de la conceptualidad-Varadero-Galeria de arte-Cuba
  • 1987, Salon Nacional de Arte contemporaneo-Habana
  • 1985, Arte conceptual -Pinar del Rio-Galeria Prov.
  • 1984, Primer salon Nacional \"Tiburcio Lorenzo\"-Uneac-P.del Rio
  • 1979, Arte y cultura del caribe-Odessa-URSS
  • 1978, Paisajistica cubana- Coleccion colectiva -Moscu
  • 1977, Pintura Mural-Artistas Cuba-Isla de la Juventud
  • 1977, Pinturas y paisajes del Caribe-Checoslovaquia- Carlovivary galeria
  • 1976, Cuba plastica contemporanea-Berlin- RDA

Premios recibidos

  • 2017, Artista de la cultura en el ano 2016-Oscar Maria de Rojas 2016
  • 2014, Arte terapia con el empleo de las artes plasticas-Verona-Italia
  • 2011, Primer premio en Forum de Ciencia y Tecnologia-Arte terapia y su aplicacion en Terapias tuteladas a menores con Trastornos del Neurodesarrollo
  • 2010, Premio relevante en Forum de ciencia y Tecnologia-Empleo de las artes plasticas en infantes con trastornos del Neurodesarrollo
  • 2009, Premios relevantes en evento de Arte terapia, con el empleo de las artes plasticas-

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¡Mira todo lo que te ofrecemos!
11.02 x 18.11 in
20.08 x 36.22 in
9.84 x 11.02 in
33.46 x 39.37 in
72.05 x 23.62 in
59.06 x 39.37 in
78.74 x 43.31 in
78.74 x 39.37 in
23.62 x 15.75 in
Ver todas las obras

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- Arts curriculum:

1975 - Graduate School of Art in Pinar del Rio, Cuba, Jobs Environmental Sculpture Park City-Facilities with reliefs and Marbles.

1976 Wall Painting in Central lobby pre university study center 8m x 2,5 m and 2 paints over murals 6m x 3m in pre university Antonio Guiteras Holmes Institute and two 4mm by 2.5 m in the center studies.

1977 - Mural 8m x 2.5 m in lobby Pre-Isla Youth-Provincia Habana Instituto Universitario José Mariátegui C.

1977 - Trip to Germany (Berlin-Potsdam-Dresden) Czechoslovakia (Prague-Carlovivari) USSR (Leningrad-Moscow-Kiev)

Higher university-1977-1982 Studies in Moscow-Russia-graduate in 1982

Enter the National Register of Cuba Creator, with membership number 6261.

· Exhibitions Plastic Massager in living in the city of Cárdenas in Matanzas province. March 1997-February 1998 Agosto1996, March 1999-2000-2002-2003

· August 1997 first national participation in landscape-painting room Tiburcio Lorenzo, sponsored by the National Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba.

· December 1997, member of the Cuban National Association of Artisans and Artists? City of Matanzas. Working live in areas assigned for plastic expo in mixed techniques (making of decorative wooden chests and laquedos, openwork metal and wood, pyrography, clay, wood carving and other techniques).

· March 1998 participation in the living room of small size in the city of Holguin, Cuba, sponsored by the National Association Hermanos Saiz.

· March 1998 provincial exhibition gallery killings (Handicrafts).

· 1997-2007 - Permanent Plastic Expo for the promotion and sales to domestic and international public the Cuban Fund of Cultural Property in the tourist resort of Varadero (Expo / Sale) Gallery of Hotel Meliá Varadero international airport and hotels network of galleries Varadero beach resort.

· July 2004 - Creating Therapeutic Plastic Children Project "Hope"

· Participation in First National Salon Embotellarte-ACAA-Matanzas.

· February 2009-Participation with Children's Painting Project Esperanza-Hope in Lounge Massager? grows Palma Where?, Bi Expo Museum and Birthplace JAE-Cardenas.

· Plastic Gallery Expo staff Memorial Salvador Allende in Havana, 2010 and 2011

· Plastic work staff to the funds of the Catholic Church of Pinar del Rio is donated, given to Monsignor Jose Ciro Bacallao, which can be seen on website diocesispinardelriogranjasanjoser

· Participation in First Exhibition of Caricature-Massager-Cardenas

· Mention for outstanding participation in the 3rd-Forum on Science and Technology, with two jobs? Implementation of Visual Arts in rehabilitation and therapy to infants and young Neurodevelopmental disorders e Impact of Community-Hope project in the community.

· Relevant Prize in the 3rd and 4 th Forum of Science and Technique-Minsap-Cardenas work Set of techniques to apply to the use of Visual Arts, in the therapy of neurodevelopmental disorders in infants and young?.

· It works in various international collectors have accredited through the FCBC.

Count on technical and other information of interest:

Shares in plastic life have entered the landscape, introducing this specialty, experimental elements and very expressive individual.

The nature, man, family and faith are constant in the sight of my creative activity. We have national registration in the National Registry of Cuba Creator, something like a certificate or certification of professional activity of artists from Cuba, which we can send a copy if your desire.

We have also worked on a project of Art Therapy with the use of visual arts, in infants and young children with neurodevelopmental disorders, since 2008, covering more than 20 medical diagnoses, supervised therapies, targeted and open therapies, with more 450 infants with positive results, for more information you can visit website [-] om, these actions which are self-funded development, and today, we already have several artists from the town, linked to it. Shares are duly certified and endorsed, with a total of 18 plastic arts tools that help these rehabilitation operations, diagnosis and terapéutica.Universitario.

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